Expungements Lawyers in Cook County, Illinois

Expungements Lawyers in Cook County, Illinois

Indiana’s Second Chance Law in Cook County, Illinois
Once an arrest or conviction record has been sealed or expunged, it is unlawful for any person or business to suspend, expel, refuse to employ, refuse to admit, refuse to license, or otherwise discriminate against the person arrested or convicted.

Arrest without Conviction in Cook County, Illinois: 
(i.e. Arrested and Never Charged, Found Not Guilty, Overturned on Appeal)
Persons arrested without a resulting conviction, or if the conviction was vacated on appeal, may petition the court to seal records of the arrest one (1) year after the date of the arrest or one (1) year after the date of the opinion vacating the conviction becomes final. To successfully seal arrest records, a person cannot have pending charges.
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